What Effect Does Inflation Have On Purchasing Power
Camila Farah
It will adversely affect those who keep a great deal of cash on hand since over time what might have once looked like a sizeable amount of money will look considerably smaller the money simply won t buy nearly what it once would.
It also affects stock prices as well as general economic health. It is definitely discouraging for you to save. Income levels tend to increase along with increases in inflation. Over time inflation reduces a dollar s buying power so that the same dollar buys you less from one year to the next year.
When the candy bar you bought for 25 cents now costs one dollar so you need four times as much money to purchase that candy bar. The effect of inflation on purchasing power can be beneficial in some circumstances. The process of living in society involves making and spending money to purchase goods and services. Inflation affects purchasing power because if you save 10 thousand dollars over ten years and then hang on to that money for another year or more the value of your money goes down over time when inflation is happening.
What does purchasing power affect. For example if the inflation rate is 2 then a chocolate bar that costs 1 in a given year will cost 1 02 the next year. The effect of inflation on savers and investors is that they lose purchasing power. That s because if inflation causes purchasing power to decrease significantly and the cost of living goes up that will lead to more cash strapped consumers.
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Inflation adjusted income is what economists refer to as real income. Whether you ve buried your money in a coffee can in the backyard or it s sitting in the safest bank in the world it is becoming less valuable with the passage of time. In the last decade the inflation rate in the uk has varied greatly by year from 2 to over 4 it will adversely affect those who keep a great deal of cash on hand since over time what might have once looked like a considerable amount of money will look considerably smaller since the money simply won t buy nearly what it once would. Purchasing power doesn t just relate to how much you can buy with your money.
By learning the fundamentals of inflation and how it works you ll have a better idea of how a financial system operates. Inflation has its worst effect on the fixed wage earners. This is a negative effect of purchasing power decrease because consumers have to spend more money on the goods or services after the price increase than they had to spend before the increase.
Source : pinterest.com